American Horror Story Freak Show
Despite being an absolute wuss, I’ve been addicted to AHS from the start. The stories, the characters and the overall weirdness just suck you in entirely. Now in it’s fourth series, Freak Show looks as though it’s going to be just as creepy as Asylum (The Cover was a bit disappointing, so we’ll not go there) and I’m only on the second episode. Probably not one to watch when you’re in the house on your own though…
Gilmore Girls
Without a doubt one of favourite TV series (thank you Lauren). Gilmore Girls is one of those programmes that you end up going through the emotions with the characters - you feel their happiness, their sadness and their frustration. Rory and Lorelai aren’t your typical TV family - Lorelai is a single mum from a teenager pregnancy and their relationship is more like best friends than mother daughter. Throw in Melissa McCarthy as Sookie and other hilarious characters along with the cutest town on TV and you have a seriously addictive TV programme.
Ru Paul’s Drag Race
Oh. My. Lord. These ladies like to throw some serious shade. A girl at my work has been obsessed with this for months and I wish I’d listened to her sooner - I’ve basically been binge watching this non stop lately. It’s basically America’s Next Top Model for Drag Queens so think seriously fierce makeup and hilarious personalities. What more could you want?! Halleloo!
The Maze Runner
I’ve recently spoken about finishing the book series so I was really looking forward to the film. Thomas wakes up in an lift with no idea who or where he is. He finds himself trapped in the Glade surrounded by The Maze as part of a community who seem to have given up hope of ever escaping. When a girl shows up with a note saying that she’s the last one they know they have to make their move. It’s fast paced and keeps you thinking. My boyfriend hasn’t read the books and really enjoyed it. As someone who has read the books, I did enjoy it but I had the usual frustrations at how much the film deviated from the book. I understand that film adaptations need to adjust for the cinema but this is quite an extreme example. In it’s own right, a good film but I wouldn’t say it’s a very good adaptation.
This week Criminals Minds and Grey’s Anatomy are back on Sky Atlantic too - I’m probably more excited than I should be for TV just now.